So This Is Romance? 1998

Comedy Romance

Mike's alcoholic father tells him there is only one thing that makes life worth living: "the empress". To Mike, however, the empress is love that lasts forever, not sex that lasts for days.

Tous les titres
  • UK: So This Is Romance? So This Is Romance?
  • FI: Saitko lemput? Saitko lemput?
  • DE: Mr. Right... zur falschen Zeit Mr. Right... zur falschen Zeit
  • IT: Un inguaribile romantico Un inguaribile romantico
  • ES: Aventuras y desventuras de un hombre permanentemente enamorado Aventuras y desventuras de un hombre permanentemente enamorado
  • SE: Romance & Rejection Romance & Rejection
  • UA: So This Is Romance? So This Is Romance?
  • US: Romance and Rejection Romance and Rejection
Date de sortie 22 May 1998
Lien IMDb
